Factors that Influence Customer Loyalty in Online Banking Among University Students
Banks confronted tough competition in acquiring and maintaining consumers with their e-banking platforms due to the rising rate of use of e-banking systems. Essentially, improving e-banking service quality is seen as the best strategic strategy for increasing client loyalty to the e-banking system. The purpose of this paper was to empirically investigate a comprehensive mechanism for enhancing customer loyalty toward e-banking platforms via e-banking service. Reliability, website design, privacy and security, and customer service and support were the dimensions used. The objectives of this research included exploring relationships between factors such as customer satisfaction regarding online banking, reliability of service, quality and performance, service privacy and security in transactions, website design and its use, and the service and assistance in the usage, and customer loyalty. The respondents were among part 2 to part 5 students from Human Resources Studies in a higher learning institution. The researcher distributed the questionnaire to the respondents through the online method using social media accounts like WhatsApp, Instagram, and Telegram. The findings of the research included that, value and relevance were insights strategies to develop loyalty among student users. This included development and promotions with products like educational loan assistance, scholarship tracking tools, budget budget-friendly debit cards with student-specific features. Rewards, points, and other incentives should be used to make sure that online banking is being used frequently. Plugging the site along with its social features through a community forum made sure the students provided peer-to-peer support in sharing financial tips and experiences.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Nor Lela Ahmad, Dayang Nailul Munna Abg Abdullah, Maliza Delima Kamarul Zaman, Nuramyra Natasha Mohamad Helmyan, Nurain Farhah Bahromn, Nur Nazifa Nadhirah Mohd Jamali, Nurul Natasha Norhisham, Syaza Haziqah Romzi, Mohd Wafiq Abdullah

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