From Local Markets to Global Success: A Case Study on Scaling and Innovating in the Food Manufacturing Company
This paper aims to analyze the development process of a famous food manufacturing company that started only in local farmer markets aiming at snacks and agricultural products. Looking back at the different fiscal years, the company has acquired numerous accomplishments, hence attributing it to a strong focus on quality and innovation. There are several serious issues that a company faces while the strategies revealed above are to establish and consolidate a position in the rapidly growing food manufacturing industry. Some of these are the challenges of globalization, diversification of product portfolio, sustaining innovation, and building a strong and easily identifiable brand. In this paper analyzing the specifics of the company’s development, its strategic directions, and defining the major issues and problem-solving approaches in responding to these complex challenges a certain group of questions will be highlighted. The paper discusses the factors that have facilitated the effectiveness of its strategic management concerning the achievement of the firm’s goals and sustained growth amidst challenges. From the examination of the company’s strategic choices, operating changes, and patterns of analyzing the market environment, this study has gone a long way in establishing the key dynamics underlying operation scaling within the food manufacturing industry. The lessons from this case suggest that to sustain a commitment and build a highly competitive mass-market business over time there is a need for flexibility, creativity, and vision.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Nor Harlina Abd Hamid, Rafiatul Adlin Hj Ruslan, Muhammad Azman Ibrahim, Mohamad Bazli Abdullah

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