Help! I Have Been Thinking to Do It Lately: Workplace Mistreatment and Suicidal Ideation Among Internship Students in Klang Valley
Workplace mistreatment, such as bullying, abusive supervision, and interpersonal conflict, is increasingly conceded as a critical issue affecting the mental health of junior professionals, particularly interns. Due to their momentary status, high expectations, and lack of support, interns are highly susceptible to negative workplace interactions that can lead to severe psychological outcomes such as including suicidal ideation. Drawing on the Fluid Vulnerability Theory, this study aims to examine the prevalence and impact of various forms of workplace mistreatment on suicidal ideation among internship students in Malaysia, providing insights for effective intervention strategies. The study used a cross-sectional research design and involved 247 internship students from the Faculty of Business and Management at UiTM Puncak Alam, Selangor, Malaysia. Data were collected through a structured online questionnaire assessing experiences of workplace bullying, abusive supervision, interpersonal conflict, and suicidal ideation. Statistical analyses, including descriptive statistics, correlation, and regression analysis, were employed to examine the relationships between the variables. The analysis revealed significant correlations between workplace bullying, abusive supervision, and interpersonal conflict with suicidal ideation. Regression models indicated that workplace bullying and interpersonal conflict were significant predictors of suicidal ideation, accentuating the critical need for targeted interventions in educational and professional environments. The findings suggest that workplace mistreatment significantly contributes to suicidal ideation among interns, highlighting the importance of developing supportive interventions and policies. Addressing workplace mistreatment through targeted programs can improve mental health outcomes for young professionals and foster healthier work environments.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Mohamad Shahril Mohamad Besir, Saadiah Juliana Saadun, Siti Noraini Mohd. Tobi, Nor Zaihan Mat Hasan, Mohd Faris Fikri

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