Factors Influencing The Usage of Stress Relief Applications: From The Psychological Perspective
Stress remains one of the most difficult challenges in responding to various situations. It elicits negative thoughts and feelings in the person. Counseling, training, exercise, and other methods effectively reduce stress. However, with the advancement of technology, different approaches to dealing with it have emerged. One of the types of digital health applications was stress relief applications. This application was starting to become famous as an alternative to help individuals manage their stress levels. Numerous stress-management or stress-relief applications are available for smartphones and tablets. These applications include a variety of stress-reduction techniques, including meditation, mindfulness breathing, cognitive behavioral therapy, and relaxation techniques. This review paper explores the psychological factors influencing the usage of stress relief applications. In this review paper, researchers focused on perceived stress, motivation for self-care, and cognitive engagement. Understanding these psychological factors can help the individual experiencing high stress levels to utilize the stress relief application. Besides, for the application developers, it gives the idea to create compelling digital tools that cater to users' specific needs and preferences, ultimately promoting better stress management and overall well-being.
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