CSR-Driven STEM Education: Case Study on PolyDuino Arduino Kits Implementation in Secondary Schools, Kedah

  • Mohd Azmi Hambali Kolej Komuniti Jerai
  • Husaini Aza Mohd Adam Kolej Komuniti Seberang Jaya
  • Mahdzir Jamiaan Politeknik Tuanku Sultanah Bahiyah
  • Norin Rahayu Shamsuddin Universiti Teknologi MARA
Keywords: STEM Education, PolyDuino Arduino Kit, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Hands-on Learning, Student Engagement


The persistent challenge in STEM education is the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application, particularly in underserved communities where access to advanced educational tools is limited. This study, conducted as part of a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program, aims to address this issue by evaluating the effectiveness of the PolyDuino Arduino Kit in enhancing STEM education among secondary school students. The study specifically targeted Form 2 and Form 3 students from four selected schools in the districts of Kuala Muda and Yan, Kedah. A experimental research design was employed, involving approximately 120 students who participated in a series of hands-on workshops facilitated by trained educators. Data were collected through observational assessments and self-reported surveys, focusing on students' engagement, conceptual understanding, problem-solving skills, and collaborative behaviour. The findings revealed that 70% of the students demonstrated a strong understanding of the PolyDuino Arduino concepts, with 50% frequently applying their knowledge to create functional projects. Additionally, the study observed significant improvements in student engagement and collaboration, although variations in problem-solving effectiveness were noted. The implications of this study highlight the potential of CSR programs to make substantial contributions to education by providing valuable resources and opportunities for practical learning, particularly in regions with limited access to educational tools. Despite its promising outcomes, the study's limitations include a geographically constrained sample and the short-term nature of the data collection, suggesting the need for future research to explore long-term impacts and broader applicability.


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How to Cite
Hambali, M. A., Mohd Adam, H. A., Jamiaan, M., & Shamsuddin, N. R. (2024). CSR-Driven STEM Education: Case Study on PolyDuino Arduino Kits Implementation in Secondary Schools, Kedah. Information Management and Business Review, 16(3(I)S), 1073-1085. https://doi.org/10.22610/imbr.v16i3(I)S.4164
Research Paper