Enhancing Employee Retention: The Impact of Training, Career Development and Remuneration Benefits in Selected Manufacturing Companies of Johor Bahru
The lack of employee retention programs is the most persistent difficulty in most organizations today. Employees are a crucial and precious asset for an organization for them to achieve their company goals and objectives. This has raised the demand for staff training programs, career development, and remuneration benefits in most organizations to ensure employee retention. The study aimed to identify the influence of employee training, career development, and remuneration benefits on employee retention in selected manufacturing companies in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. For data collection, a structured questionnaire was administered to 152 employees from seven departments of manufacturing companies in Johor Bahru. All the data was analyzed using SPSS statistics. The finding implies that career development appeared to be the most significant variable among all independent variables. Therefore, organizations should put more focus on the improvement of career development among their employees. Top management should emphasize career development and regularly offer training programs to gain employees’ interest in staying in the organizations. Top management should also highlight the importance and benefits of the career development programs and encourage them to join. This in turn enhances retention and increases productivity at selected manufacturing companies in Johor Bahru, Johor.
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