Understanding Factors Affecting Inclusions of Students with Disabilities in Higher Education: A Study among Non-Disabled University Students
Inclusive education for people with disabilities is gaining importance globally, with improving factors that support the inclusion of students with disabilities in higher education as a key objective. This study explores how societal and environmental factors shape perceptions of disability, rather than viewing it solely as an individual limitation. A non-probability convenience sampling method was employed, involving 279 university students from six different faculties. Data were analyzed through frequency distribution and SPSS to examine the attitudes of non-disabled students toward the inclusion of their disabled peers in higher education. The findings reveal that environmental barriers are strongly associated with the attitudes of non-disabled students toward their peers with disabilities (r = .693, p < .01), indicating that these barriers significantly impact how students perceive and interact with those who have impairments. The non-disabled students identified specific environmental factors that either support or hinder the inclusion of disabled students in university settings. This research highlights the need for addressing environmental obstacles to foster a more inclusive and supportive educational environment for all students.
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