The Impact of Visual Stimuli on Online Shopper’s Emotion: Applying S-O-R Theory in Online Fashion Retail
This study investigates the impact of visual stimuli on consumer emotions and purchase behaviour in online shopping environments, using the Pleasure, Arousal, and Dominance (P-A-D) model as a theoretical framework. It investigates how visual aspects, including website aesthetics, product photography, and design complexity, influence consumer pleasure, arousal, and dominance, ultimately influencing purchase intentions. Visually appealing and well-planned visual material makes consumers feel better, increasing engagement and the likelihood of purchasing. Furthermore, it discovers that increased arousal can lead to impulsive purchasing behaviours, yet a sense of power or control increases consumer confidence and satisfaction. The study emphasises the necessity of combining visual and experiential aspects to create immersive online buying experiences. Theoretical implications recommend a more in-depth analysis of the P-A-D model's applicability in e-commerce. In contrast, managerial implications assert visual design optimisation to improve consumer interactions and sales.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Shahira Ariffin, Norsiah Ahmad, Nadhrathul Ain Ibrahim, Intan Syafinaz Mat Shafie, Nur Shahrulliza Muhammad, Norhusniyati Husin

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