The Influence of Technostress on Employee Well-Being Among Generation Z Employees in Malaysia
Today’s digital-centric world has spawned a new phenomenon called ‘technostress’, a stress condition due to constant changes, advancements and reliance on technology. Technostress is a rising issue in terms of its influence on employee well-being as technostress has been causing the deterioration of employee well-being. There is an urgency to understand and study the influence of technostress on employee well-being so that measures can be taken to rectify the matter and improve employee well-being. This study aims to examine which technostress creators have the most influence on employee well-being among Generation Z employees in Malaysia. Past literature to understand employee well-being, technostress and the relationship between the two were studied. Technostress creators were identified as techno-overload, techno-complexity, techno-uncertainty, and techno-insecurity. The study found that techno-uncertainty is the technostress creator that has the most influence on Generation Z employees’ well-being in Malaysia. Data collection was conducted by using a virtual questionnaire. 135 respondents among Generation Z employees in Malaysia participated in this study.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Nazlin Munira Mohd Nazri, Suhaila Mohamed, Maliza Delima Kamarul Zaman, Zuhaina Mustapa, Nor Intan Adha Hafit

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