The Impact of Technological-Organizational-Environmental (TOE) Factors on Homestay Performance
Homestay have been a part of the tourism industry for a long time, however, their prevalence is still lower than the other travel-related services. Determining the factors that homestays should have to improve their performance and level them with other tourism services is the goal of this pilot study. Thus, this study aims to investigate how homestay performance can be improved by using the TOE Framework. To do this, a self-administered questionnaire was distributed among 50 homestay coordinators in the pilot study. To verify the validity and internal consistency of the measures, a few tests were carried out on the data by using SPSS 29 software. The three factors examined in this study which are technology, organization and environment factors were all determined to be significant. The findings show that homestays should give each of these factors top priority if they want to improve their performance and stay competitive in the tourism industry. In conclusion, the uniqueness of this study has contributed to the development of the most effective homestay business plan and provided empirical data for the study, both of which are essential resources for decision-makers engaged in the execution of future research.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Nurul Liyana Ramlan, Khairul Nazlin Kamaruzaman, Mohamed Saladin Abdul Rasool, Rizuwan Abu Karim, Zaharah Isahak

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