A Review of Tiktok Livestreaming Commerce
In recent years, live-streaming commerce has witnessed remarkable global growth, catalyzed in part by the COVID-19 pandemic. TikTok, originally a video-sharing app, has undergone rapid expansion and now offers livestreaming capabilities. This review aims to explore how TikTok livestreaming is reshaping the marketing landscape. The objective is to uncover the advantages of TikTok livestreaming for various stakeholders, shedding light on its potential implications for marketers, customers, and content creators. A comprehensive examination of existing literature was conducted, analyzing studies, reports, and academic papers. The analysis focused on the multifaceted benefits of TikTok live streaming for marketers, customers, and content creators. It also considered practical implications for businesses utilizing this platform. TikTok livestreaming fosters real-time engagement between marketers and customers, leading to enhanced trust and more effective product demonstrations. It appeals to younger demographics, offering a valuable marketing avenue. For customers, it facilitates interactive, informative, and emotionally engaging shopping experiences. Content creators can leverage TikTok live streaming to monetize their content and deepen connections with their audience, enhancing brand exposure. In conclusion, TikTok livestreaming is reshaping e-commerce by facilitating immersive, interactive, and trust-building experiences for marketers, customers, and content creators. Marketers should focus on quality interaction, product presentation, and partnering with suitable content creators. Collaborations with influencers should consider credibility and alignment with brand values. Leveraging TikTok's livestreaming capabilities offers the potential to cultivate customer loyalty and retention, transforming conventional marketing paradigms in the process
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