Social Media Influence on Factors Affecting Quality of Life among Breast Cancer Survivors: A Conceptual Study
Breast cancer disease remains a significant burden in global public health, affecting women with new cases and mortality. In 2018, Malaysian women of different races, like Malays, Chinese, and Indians, were diagnosed with breast cancer, approximately 17,000 in total. The consequence is that their quality of life was affected, especially in physical and emotional health. Nowadays, the use of social media among users is increasing, and in healthcare, it examines the role of social media in patient education and social support, which highlights the importance of modern digital technology. This conceptual study examines the factors affecting quality of life, moderated by the role of social media influence. Sociodemographic, psychological state, self-care behaviors, social support, and healthcare support systems were among the factors identified. The study relies on the integration of the quality-of-life model and social cognitive theory in conducting the literature review. Furthermore, this study has implications for improving the quality of life through social media, promoting patient-doctor engagement with social media, supporting policymakers in improving public health outcomes, and identifying potential future research topics. Theoretical contributions with integrated frameworks and an innovative approach to breast cancer survivorship were also identified. Policymakers and healthcare professionals have an opportunity to make practical contributions through the use of social media. The study's limitations were a narrow focus on cancer research, limited generalisability, and a broad range of social media investigations
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