Understanding the Influence of E-Leadership on Trainee and E-Learning Effectiveness among Executives in Malaysia
Electronic leadership (e-leadership) is crucial for the success of e-learning initiatives, particularly in executive education. E-leaders must navigate digital technologies, foster trust and collaboration, and inspire their teams to succeed in a technology-driven workplace. In Malaysia, the National Policy on e-Learning aims to enhance the quality and accessibility of e-learning in higher education institutions. However, many failure rates of e-learning programs are due to the need for more effective e-leadership skills and execution by trainers. The study used snowball sampling to collect data from a target population that needed help to identify. This method involves starting with a few known participants and referring others to meet the study criteria. This approach helps reach hidden or hard-to-reach populations. An online questionnaire was distributed to executives in Malaysia, and data was collected from 191 participants. Structural equation modeling using SmartPLS Version 4 was used to analyze the relationships. The study examined the relationships between Computer Self-Efficacy (CSE), E-Leadership (EL), Motivation to Learn (MTL), and E-learning Effectiveness (EE). Results showed that CSE, EL, and MTL significantly influence EE. However, the model had limited predictive power for CSE, EL, and MTL. Institutions can improve e-learning effectiveness by offering pre-emptive training programs, boosting motivation to learn through engaging course materials, and strengthening e-leadership knowledge. Future research should explore additional variables, consider organizational context, and examine potential interaction effects. Developing strategies and interventions based on findings can contribute to improving E-learning experiences in various educational settings.
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