Crucial Factors Influencing the Success of SMEs in the Digital Transformation Era

  • Hery Syahrial Universitas Medan Area
  • Linda Lores Universitas Medan Area
  • Dahrul Siregar Universitas Medan Area
  • Salma Nazwa Universitas Medan Area
Keywords: SMEs, Digital Technology, Transformation Era, Crucial Factors, Content Analysis


Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have an important role as the backbone of a country's economy. However, in the current digital era, there are many challenges faced by SMEs in adopting digital transformation. Assumed limited literature that discusses the success factors of digital transformation in SMEs. Therefore, this research aims to explore the important factors for the success of digital transformation in today's SMEs. The method used in this research is to search for articles relevant to the research topic using the Google Scholar database. The research results show that digital strategic planning, digital maturity, relationship capital, and collaborating with external digital innovation units are the keys to successful digital transformation in MSEs today. The results of this research will provide input to SMEs and the government in making decisions to achieve the success and sustainability of SMEs, as well as enrich the literature that examines digital transformation in SMEs.


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How to Cite
Syahrial, H., Lores, L., Siregar, D., & Nazwa, S. (2024). Crucial Factors Influencing the Success of SMEs in the Digital Transformation Era. Information Management and Business Review, 16(3(I)S), 181-187.
Research Paper