Social and Finance Security on Gig Workers’ Well-being with Occupational Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable

  • Abdul Mutalib Mohamed Azim Open University Malaysia
  • Nazruzila Razniza Mohd Nadzri Open University Malaysia
  • Nurulbahiah Awang National Energy University
  • Tuan Fatma Tuan Sulaiman Open University Malaysia
  • Mohd Shahril Nizam Md Radzi National University of Malaysia
Keywords: Occupational Satisfaction, Social Security, Finance Security, Well-being


The rise in unemployment, digitization, and the flexibility of gig workers have propelled the growth of Malaysia's gig economy. However, the well-being and occupational satisfaction of gig workers can be impacted by social and financial security concerns. This study looks at the well-being of Malaysian gig workers through the role of occupational satisfaction as a mediator, while social and financial security as independent variables. The results of a structured survey administered between November 2023 and February 2024 to 135 gig workers indicate that the well-being of Malaysian gig workers is rather low. This study found that occupational satisfaction acted as a mediator in the relationship between social and financial security and gig workers' well-being. These results highlight how important it is to have both social and financial stability to enhance employee occupational satisfaction and thus, improve gig workers’ well-being.


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How to Cite
Azim, A. M. M., Nadzri, N. R. M., Awang, N., Sulaiman, T. F. T., & Md Radzi, M. S. N. (2024). Social and Finance Security on Gig Workers’ Well-being with Occupational Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable. Information Management and Business Review, 16(3(I)S), 137-146.
Research Paper