Conceptualizing the Antecedents and Individual Impact of Business Intelligence in the Public Sector: The Technology-Organisation-Authoritative Framework

  • Mohd Mustafa Alfariz UiTM Shah Alam
  • Ariff Md Ab Malik UiTM Shah Alam
  • Anitawati Mohd Lokman UiTM Shah Alam
Keywords: Business Intelligence, Public Sector, Effective Use, Individual Impact


Business intelligence (BI) refers to a technological tool and process that transforms large and fragmented data into well-informed graphical insights to aid managerial decision-making. Recognizing the significant benefits of BI in leveraging extensive amounts of data, governments have been progressively investing in BI tools to improve efficiency in public offices. Nevertheless, despite a significant body of knowledge related to BI adoptions and their advantages, there is a dearth of theoretical understanding of how the effective use of the system affects employees' work performance, particularly among civil servants who have distinctive work natures compared to businesses. Most studies have also ignored external and institutional factors that influence individual usage, whilst studies on the effective use of BI tools remain limited. The paper thus proposed a new conceptual framework for examining the factors that influence the effective use of BI and its impact on individual job performance. The suggested propositions could provide a theoretical contribution by integrating technological, organizational and authoritative dimensions that are novel and unique to the public sector. It would also contribute to practical understandings for public managers and policymakers in ensuring the investment made on BI is worthwhile. Ultimately, the paper seeks to bridge the gap in BI studies related to public organizations.


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How to Cite
Alfariz, M. M., Malik, A. M. A., & Lokman, A. M. (2024). Conceptualizing the Antecedents and Individual Impact of Business Intelligence in the Public Sector: The Technology-Organisation-Authoritative Framework. Information Management and Business Review, 16(3(I)S), 319-327.
Research Paper