The Effects of Sustainable Development on the Sustainable Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Emerging Economies: From the Perspective of VUCA Approach

  • Mohd Najib Saad Universiti Teknologi MARA
  • Mazlina Manshor Universiti Teknologi MARA
Keywords: Sustainable Development, Sustainable Performance, Small and Medium Enterprises, VUCA Approach


Finding a balance between the needs of all parties and the state of the environment is what "sustainable development" tries to do. The goal is to protect future generations while also making progress for humanity. However, not a lot is known about how small and medium-sized businesses can run safely in emerging countries and how sustainable development affects them. So, this study's goal is to find out how the success of small and medium-sized businesses in Malaysia is linked to long-term growth. The main purpose of this study is to find out how sustainable success and sustainable growth are linked in Malaysian small and medium-sized companies. A numeric survey method was used to get information from small and medium-sized businesses in Malaysia. The businesses filled out a questionnaire on their own time. Using data from this study, PLS-SEM was used to look at the link between sustainable growth and sustainable success. The study's results showed that sustainable success and sustainable growth are closely linked. The study's results will help the government and business community build businesses that are competitive, strong, and long-lasting, so they can do well in both local and international markets.


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How to Cite
Saad, M. N., & Manshor, M. (2024). The Effects of Sustainable Development on the Sustainable Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Emerging Economies: From the Perspective of VUCA Approach. Information Management and Business Review, 16(3(I)S), 295-308.
Research Paper