Unpacking the Link Between Big Five Personality Traits and Waqf Participation in The Malaysian Armed Forces

  • Mohd Johari Bin Hussain Sultan Ahmad Shah Pahang Islamic University (UnIPSAS)
  • Mohd Zawavi bin Zainal Abidin Sultan Ahmad Shah Pahang Islamic University (UnIPSAS)
  • Sallehuddin bin Ishak Pahang State Secretary's Office
  • Fahmi Zaidi bin Abdul Razak Sultan Ahmad Shah Pahang Islamic University (UnIPSAS)
  • Wan Hashridz Rizal bin Wan Abu Bakar Sultan Ahmad Shah Pahang Islamic University (UnIPSAS)
Keywords: Waqf, Personality Traits, Military Personnel.


This research delves into the utilization of Personality Traits theory to comprehend the underlying motivations behind Waqf practices among military personnel. Implementing a structured questionnaire as the main tool for data collection, a total of 487 responses were secured. The research tools utilized in this study were derived from prevailing scholarly literature in the realm of personality psychology. The empirical findings of this study validate the substantial influence of personality traits, encompassing behavioral control and environmental components, on the inclination of military personnel to participate in endowment practices. This elucidates the complexities inherent in charitable contributions within this specific cohort. The discoveries underscore the importance of individual personality traits in shaping philanthropic behaviors among military personnel. Elements such as behavioral control and environmental factors play pivotal roles in molding the propensity towards Waqf practices within this distinct demographic. These insights harbor practical implications for policymakers, military institutions, and scholars, furnishing a more profound insight into how personality traits and environmental elements impact endowment behaviors. This investigation emphasizes the necessity of taking into account personality traits when scrutinizing charitable endeavors among military personnel. By comprehending these motivations, policymakers and military entities can more effectively endorse and bolster Waqf practices among their members. Furthermore, these results contribute to the wider discussion on the convergence of personality psychology and philanthropy, enhancing our understanding of charitable behaviors in specialized settings such as the military.


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How to Cite
Hussain, M. J. B., Zainal Abidin, M. Z. bin, Ishak, S. bin, Abdul Razak, F. Z. bin, & Abu Bakar, W. H. R. bin W. (2024). Unpacking the Link Between Big Five Personality Traits and Waqf Participation in The Malaysian Armed Forces. Information Management and Business Review, 16(3(I)S), 250-254. https://doi.org/10.22610/imbr.v16i3(I)S.4030
Research Paper