A Preliminary Sentiment Analysis on Digital Barriers among Senior Citizens During Covid-19 Pandemic

  • Noorihan Abdul Rahman UiTM Kelantan Branch
  • Zuriani Ahmad Zukarnain UiTM Kelantan Branch
  • Suraya Husin UiTM Kelantan Branch
  • Marhainis Jamaludin UiTM Kelantan Branch
  • Nor Asma Mohd Zin UiTM Kelantan Branch
  • Borhanuddin Hj Ahmad Kelantan State Government-UiTM Strategic Research Partnership
Keywords: Digital Barriers, Senior Citizens, Digital Technology, Sentiment Analysis


Nowadays, digital technology has been an important element in assisting the community in their daily routine. During the COVID-19 era, The Special Committee for Ensuring Access to COVID-19 Vaccine Supply (JKJAV) has been initiated to assist the health and well-being of Malaysian citizens in recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic. MySejahtera, a healthcare application technology, has been used by Malaysian citizens for seeking vaccination information as well as updating their health status. While there are benefits to using the application, there is still a challenge in using the technology among senior citizens. This study aims to investigate digital barriers to using a healthcare application, known as MySejahtera, among senior citizens in Kelantan. This study also reveals lessons learned regarding the use of technology among senior citizens during the Covid-19 era. Convergent parallel mixed method research design is initiated to produce a sentiment analysis for identifying digital barriers issues and challenges among senior citizens in Kelantan. 5 respondents aged from 60 to 80 years old were interviewed to obtain their sentiments on using digital technology for vaccination information and Covid-19 news. This study highlights issues namely awareness of knowledge, misconception about digital technology, information quality and technology usage among the senior citizens in Kelantan. This study summarizes that there is a need to reduce digital barriers among senior citizens to ensure digital inclusion for their benefit in health and well-being.


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How to Cite
Abdul Rahman, N., Zukarnain, Z. A., Husin, S., Jamaludin, M., Zin, N. A. M., & Ahmad, B. H. (2024). A Preliminary Sentiment Analysis on Digital Barriers among Senior Citizens During Covid-19 Pandemic. Information Management and Business Review, 16(3(I)S), 241-249. https://doi.org/10.22610/imbr.v16i3(I)S.4029
Research Paper