A Systematic Review of Organizational Resilience Through Digital Technology Adoption: Trends and Insights in a Decade
Numerous organizations have been compelled to adopt new ways of managing work and the environment because of the pandemic. Understanding the resilience dynamics during the adoption of digital technology is more important than ever considering challenges like terrorism, economic recessions, mass migration, cyberattacks, and a variety of other socio-political and economic trends. Reviewing publications that examine the connection between digital technologies and organizational resilience from 2014 to 2024 is the goal of this project. The PRISMA approach was used to conduct a systematic review. 47 relevant papers were found as a consequence of this, most of which came from the Scopus database. This implies that academics are engaged in the subject. The papers consistently cited the diffusion of innovation (DOI) theory and the technology-organization-environment (TOE) framework, with a bias towards quantitative research methods. Five major themes emerge from the analysis: digital transformation, organizational resilience, business performance, innovation, and adoption of digital technology. By providing new perspectives, the study closes gaps in the literature. It was believed that the Journal of Technological Forecasting and Social Change was a valuable source of information on studies on digital adoption. Based on the results, the report offers recommendations and points up directions for future research to increase organizational resilience by utilizing digital technology. Organizations may leverage digital technology to effectively overcome obstacles and prosper in a constantly changing landscape by implementing these suggested practices.
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