Tourism Destination Image: Towards a Better Performance on Malay Restaurant by Reflecting Competitive Advantage in Business Organization

  • Mohd Syaifuddin Mohd Alias 1Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, Innovative University College, Petaling Jaya, Selangor
  • Zaharah Mohamed Rani Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Penang Branch, Permatang Pauh Campus
  • Hashim Fadzil Ariffin Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Penang Branch, Permatang Pauh Campus
Keywords: Competitive advantage, destination image, innovation practices, restaurant performance, intention to travel


A study on revisit intention has a different meaning in business development. Competitiveness in business activities such as in Malay restaurants needs to use a various method. To gain the functionality of the development, innovation practices and destination image should be aimed for a better understanding of the overall concept. The purpose of this study is to design a conceptual understanding of the destination image and innovation practices towards Malay restaurant performance which is grounded in competitive advantage theory. Furthermore, competitive advantage provides insight into how the connection between business organizations will help the development and sustainability of business performance. In addition, it will bring a more significant contribution to the structure of the organization. This article suggests that a significant measurement of competitiveness could be ascertained from a performance perspective. The article integrates previous studies on the respective measures and proposes a conceptual framework for tourist destination image. Destination image has a relation with restaurant performance which can be studied further on the future reference. It will contribute to the significance of practicality and theoretically as it mentioned the purpose of destination image and competitive advantage towards Malay restaurant performance. However, in terms of Malay restaurant performance, it still needs to be discussed in depth as it has a limited view of the discussion. Determinants of tourism destination image, innovation practices, and restaurant performance are also discussed for future research.


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How to Cite
Mohd Alias, M. S., Rani, Z. M., & Ariffin, H. F. (2024). Tourism Destination Image: Towards a Better Performance on Malay Restaurant by Reflecting Competitive Advantage in Business Organization. Information Management and Business Review, 16(3(I)S), 16-22.
Research Paper