Exploring The Connection of Spirituality at Work in Enhancing Nurses’ Job Performance: Insight from Malaysian Hospitals
The performance of nurses can be seen as a reflection of healthcare organizations, as they constitute the most critical human resources within hospitals. However, challenges arise when issues such as staff shortages, high turnover rates, and burdensome workloads contribute to poor nurse performance. Conversely, the incorporation of spirituality in the workplace provides nurses with an opportunity to align their inner selves within a supportive community environment, fostering a deeper sense of purpose in their professional responsibilities. This study sought to determine the connection between spirituality at work and nurses’ job performance, surveying 350 nurses employed in public hospitals across Malaysia. Data analysis was conducted using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 27, revealing that all three aspects of spirituality at work, namely inner life, meaningful work, and sense of community, had a positive and significant influence on nurses’ job performance. This study provides potential aid to decision-makers in Malaysian healthcare organizations by offering significant insights for the development of strong spirituality at work values within their organizational setting. Additionally, this study presents recommendations for future research and proposes methods for the authorities to incorporate spirituality at work values into nurses’ jobs, ultimately enhancing the overall performance of healthcare services.
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