Developing a Model for Graduate Employability Transfer of Training
The focus of this research at the Talent Enhancement Institution (TEI) is to enhance the effectiveness of transfer of training in Malaysia’s graduate employability programs. This is crucial for shaping the future workforce in accordance with the Malaysian National Higher Education Strategic Plan 2021–2030 policies and the sustainable development goals for quality education. This study provides insight into the influence of trainees' self-efficacy, traits, and training design on the effectiveness of training outcome transformation. Meanwhile, learning culture acts as a moderator between every independent variable and the transfer of training. Using a practical combination of both quantitative input from 125 survey participants and qualitative insights from 25 interviews, our study seeks not only to investigate but also to gain a detailed understanding of the dynamics of knowledge and skill application after training. We will propose solutions to enhance the transfer of training and improve the effectiveness of Talent Enhancement Institution (TEI) programs in enhancing graduate employability in the dynamic global job market.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Nor Intan Adha Nor Intan Adha, Zuhaina Mustapa, Suhaila Mohamed, Jiang Ming Di, Masliza Osman

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