Trust, Social Influence and Perceived Usefulness: Examining Online Purchase Intentions among Gen Z
The growing popularity of online shopping collides with user reservations related to trust, social influence, and perceived purchase usefulness, with such concerns acutely observable among Gen Z populations. As digital natives and prolific online users, Gen Z's purchasing patterns offer valuable insights for marketers adjusting their online strategies. This study extends the body of knowledge by examining the determinants of online purchase intentions among Gen Z thereby guiding university administrators, educators, and online retailers in crafting improved online shopping experiences. Utilizing a non-intrusive, naturalistic research setting, the study harnesses an anonymous survey methodology, and data is rigorously analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). Findings indicate that trust and perceived usefulness are significantly connected to students' online purchasing decisions. This study enhances the theory of online buying habits by emphasizing trust and value in e-commerce. It advises adding trust cues and functional benefits to online portals, the key to influencing Gen Z buyers and boosting market expansion and e-shopper satisfaction.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Nur`ain Achim, Dayana Batrisya Mohamed, Sonia Crystal Miji, Nasir Nur Alliyah Zuraini, Muhammad Iqmal Ridhwan Idil, Abby Jane Luntek Hilmen, Azu Farhana Anuar

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