Unlocking the Potential Research Directions in Effective Teaching: Insights from Bibliometric Analysis
Effective teaching is considered one of the dominant and emerging topics in education. Hence, there are two objectives of the study. The first objective is to bibliometricaly analyze the performance in terms of citations and publications of Effective Teaching studies. The second objective is to analyze the research themes of Effective Teaching studies. The motivation to conduct this study is based on the gaps in previous studies on effective teaching. This study mainly uses bibliometric analysis, whereby 986 documents were analyzed through two stages – descriptive analysis and keyword network analysis. Selected findings indicated that since 1941, effective teaching studies displayed a growing trend in publications and citation performances. In addition, five research themes dominate effective teaching - 1) effective teaching in higher education, 2) enhancing curriculum with blended teaching, 3) pedagogical professional development, 4) medical education effectiveness, and 5) teacher training for classroom effectiveness. The authors also suggested six potential future research questions in terms of mixed theories, practical and methodology aspects. Hence, the significance of the study is to inspire potential scholars to explore potential holes available in effective teaching
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