The Influence of Work-Life Balance, Workload and Work Environment on Burnout among Teachers in Melaka Tengah District, Malaysia
Teacher burnout emerges as a complex issue intertwined with challenges in maintaining work-life balance, managing heavy workloads, and navigating the work environment within the educational sector. Factors such as the difficulty in achieving a balance between professional responsibilities and personal well-being, excessive work demands, and unsupportive work environments significantly contribute to the risk and prevalence of burnout among teachers. Efforts to address these contributing factors through supportive policies, workload management, and the cultivation of a positive work atmosphere are essential for mitigating burnout and enhancing teacher well-being and retention. This study determines the relationships between work-life balance, workload, work environment, and teacher burnout, utilizing a quantitative approach with data from 332 teachers via a Google Form survey. The findings reveal a positive relationship between work-life balance and burnout, challenging the notion that improved balance alone mitigates burnout. Workload demonstrates a strong positive association with burnout, highlighting the impact of increased demands on teachers. Conversely, a positive work environment exhibits a negative relationship with burnout, suggesting that a supportive organizational climate acts as a protective factor. This study underscores the need for a holistic approach to teacher well-being, recognizing the intricate relationships between workload, personal life, and the organizational environment. These findings offer valuable insights for educational institutions aiming to foster a supportive work environment and mitigate the adverse effects of burnout among teachers.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Suzita Md Shah, Shereen Noranee, Zarina Abdul Munir, Salina Noranee, Shafiq Shahruddin, Siti Mujanah

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