The Impact of Training and Development, Job Embeddedness and Flexible Working Arrangements on Talent Retention Among Young Generation in Pharmaceutical Companies in Malaysia
The study aims to investigate the relationship between training and development, job embeddedness and flexible working arrangements on talent retention among the young generation of employees in Malaysian pharmaceutical companies. This research will employ a cross-sectional survey design, using the questionnaire survey method to collect data on the study variables. The sampling technique used in this research is non-probability, purposive sampling. A sample will be collected from 348 young-generation employees working in pharmaceutical companies residing in Malaysia. PLS-SEM will be used to analyze the hypothesized relationships, providing valuable insight into critical factors influencing talent retention in pharmaceutical companies in Malaysia. The scarcity of research in the pharmaceutical context emphasizes the importance of identifying key influences on employee retention, which include training and development, job embeddedness, and flexible working arrangements. Interventions addressing these elements are critical for retaining skilled employees and improving organizational performance. The result of this research contributes to the comprehension of retention schemes, training and development plans, effective flexible work arrangements, and factors promoting job embeddedness. The findings guide organizational leaders in predicting employee preferences, reducing turnover rates, and implementing effective retention strategies, ultimately contributing to enhanced productivity and economic growth in Malaysia's pharmaceutical sector. The research also highlights the positive impact on employees' career advancement, employability, work-life balance, and overall well-being.
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