Exploring the Phenomenon of Selfie-Posting Behavior among Social Media Users
In the present day, the act of posting self-portraits, also known as selfies, is widely regarded as one of the most prevalent behaviors linked to the use of social media. Taking a selfie opens a new set of windows for activating specific identities, and over time and with readily available technological means, individuals are able to carefully construct online identities by editing their appearance and idealizing their self-portraits. The research discusses selfie-posting behavior in which to find out what the users are doing or constructing selfies before posting them. The primary aim of the current research is to examine these steps, specifically the context in motives, pre-occupation, selection of selfies, and selfie editing before posting. This study intended to focus on the social media users among Malaysians who engage in selfie activities. This research used a nonprobability sampling design, which is purposive sampling. The online questionnaire was administered as a cross-sectional survey, with data collected within a few months. This survey received 150 responses, and PLS SEM 4.0 was used to gather and analyze the data. Given the Selfie-Stadium Model, the finding showed that all variables are statistically significantly correlated to the following step. This research provides practical insights for developers to explore novel methods of improving device functionality and leveraging multitasking capabilities. Additionally, social media users can fully utilize device functions and benefit from technological advancements.
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