Exploring the Impact of Authentic Personality and Social Media Posting on Self-Interested Charitable Behavior among Millennials Online Community through the Lens of Social Cognitive Theory
Various schools of thought within the field of psychology consider authentic personality to be an essential component of overall well-being. Similarly, people's behavior has changed since the advent of social media. Using Social Cognitive Theory as guidance, this conceptual paper aims to explore how authentic personality and social media postings affect individuals' self-interested charitable behavior, this research aims to delve into the person-centered concept of authentic personality. The sense of giving and charitable behavior includes giving to charity and involving in volunteer activity. This model is deemed appropriate because it further explains authentic personality and exposure to social media posting in an online environment. Throughout the entirety of this study, a search was conducted via a variety of literature on the fields of sociology, psychology, and social science. There was a discussion of the conclusions drawn from the research, and options for more research were outlined.
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