The Practice of Enterprise Risk Management and Sustainable Performance in Jordan
The primary objective of any organization is to minimize risks and losses while optimizing values, revenues and returns. Therefore, risk management, which is often referred to as risk identification, likelihood of occurrence, and impact on the business, is essential. Recent corporate catastrophes have brought to light how inadequately corporations handle risks. In reaction to these challenges, organizations have shifted from separate and personalized procedures to a more comprehensive and integrated enterprise risk management (ERM) perspective in their risk management strategies. To address these new global sustainable challenges which include hunger, poverty, high unemployment, climate change, and related issues, businesses should place a strong priority on environmental preservation and social responsibility. Jordan is one of the countries dealing with several issues related to sustainability. The sustainable performance of Jordanian firms deserves further attention. Managers in Jordanian industrial businesses must keep a close eye on how the company's environmental environment is being improved to reduce air pollution, the usage of hazardous materials, and other difficulties. Therefore, companies in Jordan must adopt strategies that will allow them to face this issue to improve their social, environmental, and economic performance. Jordan's manufacturing and service industries should be at the forefront of a comprehensive approach to risk management and board monitoring, given the growing concerns regarding the environment, society, and economy. Since ERM is a relatively new concept, its implementation in Jordanian industrial and service companies is still in its early stages. Moreover, there is a lack of comprehensive research regarding the ERM in Jordan.
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