The Relationships between Social Media Adoption and Homestay Performance in Malaysia
Social media has become the most popular marketing tool in the tourism industry. It has been determined that the advent of social media has allowed tourists from all around the world to directly get in touch and communicate with tourism organizations despite their location. However, there is limited research on the adoption of social media as a marketing tool in the Homestay program. Therefore, Kampungstay and Homestay Association Malaysia (MKHA) in collaboration with Tourism Malaysia has developed a platform known as to promote the program. Despite this effort, the findings stated that the homestay program has limited resources for social media and a limited ability to recognize it. Thus, this paper is to examine the relationships between social media adoption and homestay performance. The originality of the study will act as a roadmap for future research, assisting in the creation of the most productive homestay business plan and providing empirical data for this research.
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