Student-Staff Partnerships, Internally Generated Revenue and Financial Inclusion towards Entrepreneurial Venture in Nigerian Universities: Systematic Review of Literature
This systematic review of the literature includes an assessment of student-staff partnership, internally generated revenue (IGR), and financial inclusion in Nigerian universities with an eye toward entrepreneurial ventures. Financial inclusion promotes the development and entrepreneurial ventures. There have been studies on IGR student-staff partnerships and financial inclusion in Nigerian universities. This study synthesizes and evaluates previous research. During the systematic review, academic databases are searched. Fifty eligible studies were examined. We shed light on the student-staff partnership, financial inclusion, and IGR in Nigerian university entrepreneurial ventures. Financial inclusion in the analysis is defined as financial resources, financial literacy, and student and staff entrepreneurial venturing. It emphasizes IGR as a trustworthy source of funding for university entrepreneurial ventures. Student-staff partnerships as joint research, mentoring, and student-led businesses, according to the review, promote financial inclusion. The synthesis recommends a coordinated approach to evaluating financial inclusion from IGR and student-staff partnerships in Nigerian universities. More research on entrepreneurial venture and financial inclusion strategies, best practices, and policy recommendations is required. This systematic review of the literature summarizes financial inclusion, IGR, student-staff partnerships, and entrepreneurial ventures in Nigerian universities. The findings support the creation of targeted initiatives by policymakers, university leaders, and researchers to improve financial inclusion, empower students and members of staff, and foster a thriving entrepreneurial venture ecosystem in Nigerian universities.
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