A Study on Sentiment Analysis on Airline Quality Services: A Conceptual Paper
Airline quality service is crucial for airlines to remain competitive in the industry. The quality of the services of these airlines must meet customer satisfaction and other aspects of the overall service experience. The levels of service quality in an airline service may impact satisfaction and loyalty which may influence customer sentiment. Concerning the importance of airline quality service, customer sentiment towards the service must be investigated and one of the ways to analyze it is by using sentiment analysis. Sentiment analysis is the chosen tool nowadays to analyze comments or reviews made on these services, which may be positive, negative, or neutral. Using sentiment analysis, will not only help potential customers to view the overall sentiment portrayed, but organizations can also use the findings to improve their organization to be more competitive. Thus, this paper will focus on reviewing several recent works related to sentiment analysis as a tool for assisting organizations in assessing the quality of services in the airline industry. As a result, a new framework for assessing the quality of service for the organizations, especially the airline company will be proposed.
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