With or Without Emojis? A Conceptual Paper on Food Vendor Instagram Caption towards Customer Engagement
This conceptual paper investigates the impact of emojis on customer engagement in food vendor Instagram captions. Emojis have gained traction in online communication, but their influence on customer engagement in the context of food vendors remains unexplored. Drawing on concepts of customer engagement, social media marketing and semiotics, the research explores how emojis capture attention, convey emotions, enhance communication, and foster customer engagement. Through qualitative interviews with food vendors and customers in Kulim, this research aims to identify patterns and themes related to the impact of emojis on customer engagement. The findings of this research are expected to contribute to the growing body of literature on social media marketing and stimulate further investigation into the utilization of emojis for enhancing customer engagement on social media, enabling food vendors to leverage emojis effectively in their Instagram captions as an effective strategy to cultivate stronger engagement.
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