Psychological and Technology Factor Contribute to Social Media Addiction
In the present-day context of worldwide connectivity, social media has emerged as an integral component of many adolescents' everyday routines. However, the seemingly harmless practice of utilizing social networking platforms can swiftly transform into a significant dependency, leading to unfavorable consequences. Adolescents' excessive dependence on social media platforms has garnered significant attention from scholars and practitioners in the mental health field. Psychological and technological elements are recognized as contributing to social media addiction, which has detrimental consequences for adolescents. Hence, the primary objective of this study is to gain a comprehensive understanding of the existing literature about the psychological and technological elements contributing to addiction to social media platforms. The discourse outcomes will illuminate the strategies employed to mitigate social media addiction by addressing the abovementioned factors. This conclusion has significant implications, as it will stimulate further discussion and prompt additional research reviews on the various elements contributing to social media addiction.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Shamsul Azren Mohd Shukur, Syarifah Mastura Syed Abu Bakar, Natasha Dzulkalnine, Maliza Delima Kamarul Zaman, Nur Farehan Omar, Sukjeet Kaur Sandhu, Brenda Anak Lansam

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