A Study of Literature and Practical Gaps in e-Wallet Acceptance: The Case of Malaysia
The purpose of this article is to identify the existing research gaps in the literature and the practicality of e-wallet acceptance studies in Malaysia. A systematic literature review (SLR) of peer-reviewed journal articles was carried out by the researchers, based on two major databases, namely, Scopus and Web of Science. In total, 60 articles published from January 2017 to April 2021 were reviewed which revealed the research gaps. Several research gaps are identified in the literature and practicality. The article offers suggestions for future research, including how to prioritize understudied subjects and incorporate other points of view. As a result, this study offers new researchers to learn more about the rapidly growing acceptance of e-wallets. Future research can also address these gaps and enhance the level of acceptance for e-wallets globally for a sustainable future. By identifying the factors that influence people's decision to accept e-wallets, researchers can help companies design better services and marketing campaigns. This will require some practical and theoretical implications, primarily demonstrating some nourishment in realizing the cashless society vision.
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