Factors Influencing Green Practice Adoption and Mediating Role of Green Practice Benefits
Green practices are still uncommon among public workers in the course of their daily work; they do not assist in focusing on saving costs or contributing to environmental preservation. This research aims to examine what factors can influence employees at Politeknik Port Dickson (PPD), Malaysia to adopt green practices. Using the Technological, Organizational and Environmental (T-O-E) theory, this study proposed a research model that consists of green practice benefits, technological factors (compatibility and complexity), organizational factors (management support), and environmental factors (governmental support and environmental uncertainty). Moreover, the mediating role of green practice benefits was tested between the relationship of technological factors, environmental factors and green practice adoption. The online survey was conducted to get feedback from the employees in PPD by using a purposive sampling technique. A total of 153 responses were received and the final data were analyzed using SmartPLS 4.0. The findings found that green practice benefits positively influence green practice adoption. Meanwhile, compatibility (positive) and complexity (negative) influence green practice benefits. The mediating effect result has shown that green practice benefits mediated the relationship between technology factors (compatibility and complexity of the technology) and green practice adoption. The outcome of this study asserts to aid the management and employees at PPD in implementing green practices more efficiently in the future to safeguard the environment's well-being and save administrative costs in polytechnics.
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