A Conceptual Framework on Factors Influencing Nurses’ Job Performance
The nurses' job performance can be regarded as a reflection of healthcare organizations, given that they comprise the largest group of human resource professionals who are responsible for providing high-quality care to patients. However, previous studies have emphasized that nurses in Malaysia are underperformed because of shortages in the workforce and excessive workload. Hence, understanding factors influencing the job performance of nurses will empower decision-makers to develop effective strategies aimed at enhancing nurses' performance. In Malaysia, only a few research have been performed on job performance, especially among nurses. Furthermore, limited research has delved into the specific factors influencing nurses’ job performance in Malaysia’s public hospital system. This study contributes to the existing knowledge by investigating the impact of spirituality at work and HRM practices on the nurses’ job performance in Malaysian public hospitals. This study employs a quantitative survey method using self-administered questionnaires, and the data collected will be analyzed using SPSS software Version 26. A total of 375 nurses from a population of 12, 514 nurses who worked at public hospitals in Malaysia will be selected as a sample of the study. This study offers potential benefits to authorities in Malaysian healthcare organizations by providing valuable insights for the development of compelling effective spirituality at work values and human resource management strategies aimed at enhancing the job performance of nurses.
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