Financial Well-Being of Micro-Entrepreneurs: A Proposed Conceptual Framework
The financial well-being of micro-entrepreneurs is a multifaceted concept that encompasses both financial stability and personal satisfaction with one's financial situation. The pandemic experienced by the country has affected people from all walks of life, including micro-entrepreneurs. These self-employed people not only scored the lowest when it comes to financial behaviors but they are also the most vulnerable in terms of financial well-being. This study intends to fill a gap in the literature by looking at the factors that influence micro-entrepreneurs' financial well-being in Malaysia. A systematic review of reviews was conducted through electronic databases between January 2018 and December 2022 using refined search methods, such as the Boolean operator, phrase searching, truncation, wild card, and field code functions, based on enriched keywords: ("FINANCIAL WELL-BEING*" OR “FINANCIAL WELLBEING) AND ("MICRO-ENTREPRENEUR* OR “MICRO-ENTERPRISE*"). Scopus and Web of Science were selected as the two primary databases to search for relevant articles and materials for the review. The results demonstrate the incorporation of several variables into the proposed framework of financial well-being of micro-entrepreneurs, namely social trust, social networks, financial self-efficacy, and financial innovation as a mediator. The proposed framework is derived from the Social Capital Theory and the Social Cognitive Theory, as well as reviews of past empirical studies.
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