The Role of Personality Peculiarities on Depression and Anxiety of Medical Doctors Using the Job-Demands Resources Model: The Mediating Effect of Job Burnout
Prolonged stress also known as job burnout refers to psychological conditions resulting from excessive fatigue due to work-related factors. However, distinguished features in personality might affect how people cope with job burnout which has implications for their mental health especially for their depression and anxiety. Therefore, this study intends to respond to the existing practical and empirical gaps by investigating the relationships between personality differences such as neuroticism and extraversion and mental health with the role of job burnout as the mediator. A cross-sectional study was conducted at eight public hospitals within Peninsular Malaysia. A total of 471 medical doctors from six departments participated. The result has shown that job burnout mediates the relationship between neuroticism and mental health. Job burnout made no difference to associations between extraversion and mental health.
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