Exploring Antecedents of Destination Loyalty: A Comprehensive Analysis of Island Destination Image, Brand Awareness and Satisfaction
This study examines the antecedents of destination loyalty and its relation to destination image (cultural image, environmental image, and socio-economic image), brand image and awareness and destination satisfaction in island destinations. This study raises important questions concerning how cultural image, environmental image, socioeconomic image, destination brand image, destination brand awareness and destination satisfaction affect destination loyalty. This research attempts to identify (1) the effect of Destination Image on Tourist Satisfaction and (2) To examine the effect of Destination Image towards Destination Loyalty. The study empirically tests the predicted relationship by using a survey of 147 local tourists after the moving control order ended in Malaysia. Data were collected by a physical survey of 147 local tourists. The data were modeled with partial least squares structural equation modeling. Based on 147 valid responses processed with Smart PLS software, the results confirm most of the research hypotheses. The study reveals that destination brand awareness, environmental image, and environmental knowledge affect tourists at Tuba Island. However, the socioeconomic image doesn't significantly impact tourism satisfaction. Additionally, destination brand, destination image, and environmental image contribute to tourist loyalty at Tuba Island, with loyalty not being the main factor driving satisfaction or loyalty to the island. The findings are useful for all stakeholders of tourism development in Langkawi and Tuba Island, Malaysia
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