Preferred Sporting Tourism Events Attributes among Sports Tourists
Sports tourism has emerged as a prominent and dynamic segment within the broader event, travel and tourism industry. Amidst this growth, understanding the attributes influencing sports tourists' attendance at sporting events has become paramount for event organizers, destination marketers, and policymakers. Hence, this study aims to investigate the attributes of sporting tourism events that influence sports tourists' attendance. By analyzing the attributes that hold the most significance for sports tourists when selecting from various sporting tourism events, this research aims to contribute valuable insights into the sports tourism industry. A questionnaire was used as the main instrument in the data collection process. 302 online surveys in Google Form format were distributed among sports tourists using a purposive sampling technique. The data collected were analyzed using SPSS version 28. The result indicated that most respondents preferred scenic views and value for money offered at sporting tourism events. By shedding light on the interplay between sporting tourism events attributes and sports tourists' behavior, this research seeks to make a meaningful contribution to the sustainable growth and development of the sports tourism industry.
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