To Recycle e-Waste or Not: Understanding Consumers' Intention from the Lens of Behavioral Theories

  • Erne Suzila Kassim Faculty of Business and Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA Caw Selangor
  • Mohd Faizul Hassan Faculty of Business and Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA Caw Selangor
  • Fazira Mohd Nor Majlis Bandaraya Seremban, Wisma MBS Persiaran Forest Heights
  • Tzong-Ru Lee National Chung Hsing University, Taichung City
Keywords: e-waste recycling, theory of planned behavior, behavioral reasoning theory, attitude and intention of recycling, factors of recycling acceptance


The study was conducted to explore and understand factors that determine consumers' intention to recycle e-waste from the lens of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and Behavioral Reasoning Theory (BRT). A cross-sectional survey was designed and data was collected from 339 respondents who used an extensive number of electronic devices. The findings suggest positive attitudes towards recycling; social norms and perceived behavioral control are significant to the intention to recycle e-waste. In addition, attitude is explained by two determinants; reasons for recycling and environmental value. Finally, environmental value is also significant in explaining reasons for and reasons against recycling. The study is important for theoretical and managerial implications in describing consumers' acceptance of e-waste recycling by considering the values that promote the act, and the risks that prohibit them from acting positively. Likewise, the findings would help in building an impactful environmental protection regulation for the sustainability agenda.


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How to Cite
Kassim, E. S., Hassan, M. F., Nor, F. M., & Lee, T.-R. (2023). To Recycle e-Waste or Not: Understanding Consumers’ Intention from the Lens of Behavioral Theories. Information Management and Business Review, 15(1(I)SI), 72-85.
Research Paper