Choice, Purchase Decision and Post-Purchase Dissonance: The Social Media Perspective

Keywords: Social media, Choice, Post-Purchase Dissonance, Choice Deficiency, Poor Choice quality


Social media tools have emerged as an imperative source of information for customers. However, the relationship between information volume on social media and consumer choice quality remains blurred in literature. The study sought to examine the relationship between choice overload on social media and product choice quality, and how choice quality influences post-purchase dissonance. The study employed a positivist research paradigm and an explanatory design to examine the relationship between the various constructs. Using a purposive sampling method, Responses from 249 respondents were quantitatively analyzed.  Structural equation modeling (SEM) was utilized. The outcome revealed a direct significant effect of choice overload on poor choice quality and a strong positive association between choice quality and post-purchase dissonance using social media tools. The distinctiveness of the study adds to the existing literature by extending the current understanding of post-purchase dissonance and consumer behavior in general.




How to Cite
Mensah, K., Boateng Dankwah, J., Mensah, G., & Masope-Crabbe, J. A. (2021). Choice, Purchase Decision and Post-Purchase Dissonance: The Social Media Perspective. Information Management and Business Review, 13(3(I), 1-13.
Research Paper