Power, IntraTeam Conflicts, Conflict Contagion and its Impact on Performance

  • Amina Malik COMSATS University Islamabad, Wah Campus, Pakistan
  • Haroon Aziz COMSATS University Islamabad, Wah Campus, Pakistan
  • Shahab-Ud-Din Foundation University, Islamabad
  • Tanveer Ahmed Foundation University, Islamabad
Keywords: Power, Intrateam Conflicts, Conflict contagion, Performance


The objective of this study is to examine the importance of power, intrateam conflict, conflict contagion and its impact on organizational performance. This study has used past literature to extend work on power, intrateam conflict, conflict contagion and its impact on performance by providing prepositions. The study demonstrates the importance of power and its impact on intrateam conflicts, which form the shape of conflict contagion and ultimately affect performance. Study found that power leads to more conflicts and its process of spreading hastens because of its contagious nature negatively influences the team’s performance. The paper has highlighted the untapped element of power and creates a bridge between power, conflict and its impact on organizational performance. Many researchers have focused separately on power, teamwork and conflict. However, still, there is a need to assess whether individual power interests also takes the form of conflict contagion, which might affect performance of the organization.


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How to Cite
Malik, A., Aziz, H., Shahab-Ud-Din, & Ahmed , T. (2019). Power, IntraTeam Conflicts, Conflict Contagion and its Impact on Performance . Information Management and Business Review, 11(2(I), 21-26. https://doi.org/10.22610/imbr.v11i2(I).2879
Research Paper