The Effect of Emotional Intelligence Dimensions on Enhancing Employees’ Eustress at work

  • Sultan Ali Suleiman Almazrouei Ministry of Education
Keywords: Emotional intelligence, Eustress, PLS based SEM


This paper aims to investigate the effect of dimensions of emotional intelligence which include self-emotions appraisal, other-emotions appraisal, use of emotions, and regulation of emotions on enhancing employees’ eustress at work. A quantitative survey was applied on 483 employees from ministry of education in Oman. PLS based SEM was utilized for analyzing data. The findings showed a significant positive association between others-emotions appraisal, use of emotions, regulation of emotions and employees’ eustress. However, self-emotions appraisal does not influence employees’ eustress significantly. Therefore, managers should foster employees’ emotional intelligence (others-emotions appraisal, use of emotions, regulation of emotions) to enhance employees’ eustress which is essential for work success. Some training sessions pertaining emotional intelligence should be held.


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How to Cite
Almazrouei, S. A. S. (2017). The Effect of Emotional Intelligence Dimensions on Enhancing Employees’ Eustress at work. Information Management and Business Review, 9(4), 18-27.
Research Paper