Unpacking the Syrian Crisis: A Literature Review
Abstract: The Syrian war has raged on for more than 4 years now and the global citizenry had decided to keep quiet until recently(Grover, 2015). This paper sets out to explain the Syrian crisis and analyse it in relation to how it affects the global citizenry. It will also lay down the events that have fuelled the crisis, explain some underlying issues and discuss the best possible solutions to address it. When Syrian Arab Spring-type protest erupted experts wrongly predicted that they will frizzle out. What initially started off as protests later became a civil war. The crisis had all the features of a Cold War before the direct involvement of the super powers. The causes of the Syrian crisis are as complex as the different players in it. These key issues go beyond the events of March 2011, which triggered the first shots in Daraa. If this crisis continues uncontrolled it could escalate into World War III. Its end is pinned on the political will and commitment to implement the Vienna Statement of October 30, which incorporates by reference the 2012 Geneva Communique. The lack thereof was witnessed during the short-lived ceasefire of September 2016.
Keywords: Syria crisis, humanitarian disaster, migrants, cold war
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