Factorial Validation of a Corporate Social Responsibility Perception Scale for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises
Abstract: The aim of this study is obtaining a valid and reliable scale to evaluate the Corporate Social Responsibility perception level (pCSR) of micro, small, and medium-sized Mexican enterprises. A literature review revealed 58 items among 11 dimensions: Ethics, performance, business model changes, quality of working life, the environment, community outreach, marketing, philanthropy, competitiveness, and the interests of stakeholders. A total of 296 companies located in Mexico were considered for the study. Principal axis factoring with varimax rotation was performed with the Exploratory Factorial Analysis Technique (EFA) to give an interpretation to the pCSR in the Mexican context. The factors found are the environment and social commitment, performance, ethics, change in business model, restrictions, and competitiveness. The outcomes show that the scale is valid and reliable for use in evaluating pCSR in micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises. This scale is a tool that allows us to evaluate the social responsibility of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises, we conclude that considering the characteristics of Latin America, we have provided an original scale to measure pCSR.Downloads
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