The Transactional Leadership Styles to Organizational Commitment and Islamic Performance of Sharia Bank in South Sulawesi

  • Muchran BL Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar


This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of transactional leadership to organizational commitment and Islamic performance of Sharia Bank in South Sulawesi. Leader is one of the most important elements that will never disappear from human social life. It arises because of the differences in people's lives are heterogeneous, which then need to put together diselerasikan and directed to the differences that do not result in conflict. There are several types of leadership among transactional leadership. This study was conducted in South Sulawesi with focus on: 1) Sharia BTN, 2) Sharia Mandiri, 3) Sharia BNI, 4) Sharia Muamalah; 5) Sharia BRI, 6) Sharia Niaga; 7) Sharia Mega; 8) Sharia Bukopin; 9) Sharia Sulselbar and 11) Sharia Permata. The main tool in this study is a questionnaire submitted to the Islamic Bank employees in the province of South Sulawesi were selected as sample. It is necessary for item analysis with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results showed that the transactional leadership is significantly influence the Islamic performance. Next, the transactional leadership has no significant effect on the Islamic performance through the organizational commitment.


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How to Cite
BL, M. (2016). The Transactional Leadership Styles to Organizational Commitment and Islamic Performance of Sharia Bank in South Sulawesi. Information Management and Business Review, 8(1), 6-12.
Research Paper