Problems and Factors of Non-Completion of Promising Projects by Young Entrepreneurs: The Case of Tunisia

  • Salah Ben Hamed


Our study attempted to explore the different problems and factors of the non-completion of business projects by a representative sample of project promoters. Four factors were selected to examine the issue, which are: resources availability and ease of access to finance, lack of capital and its impact on projects, promoters’ competencies and cognitive skills and their projects vision as entrepreneurs to overcome obstacles. A Principal Component Analysis (PCA) has shown that the financial factor is the main factor of the non-completion of promising projects by young project promoters.


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How to Cite
Hamed, S. B. (2014). Problems and Factors of Non-Completion of Promising Projects by Young Entrepreneurs: The Case of Tunisia. Information Management and Business Review, 6(6), pp. 345-354.
Research Paper